Does Bar Church take place in a Bar?
For the first 10 years of Bar Church, we met at a building that was once used as a bar. However, deteriorating conditions to that structure forced us to move in 2023. We now meet in "His Prayer Room" at Love & Care Ministries.
Many people believe in God - or are curious about God - but have legitimate barriers that keep them from traditional churches. By meeting outside of a traditional church building, we hope to remove some of those religious barriers and free people up to connect with God in a nonthreatening location.
When and where does Bar Church meet?
We meet for worship Sunday mornings at 11:30 a.m. in "His Prayer Room" located at Love & Care Ministries , 234 Fannin in Abilene, TX. Prior to our worship gathering, we host a faith-based recovery meeting at 10:30 a.m.
What does a Bar Church meeting look like?
We're an informal gathering of sincere, imperfect people who meet for prayer, music, and to hear a message from the Bible. We share communion. And we talk and get to know each other.
Who can come to Bar Church?
Anyone. Including you.
Is Bar Church an actual church?
You could say we are a nontraditional church. We help people connect with God, and we support each other as we maneuver through the ups and downs of life, like a church should do.
Bar Church is supported by the Southern Hills Church of Christ in Abilene, TX.
How can I contact someone about Bar Church?
Feel free to email [email protected].